Know what can drain your bank account? Unexpected and expensive car repairs. While it is impossible to completely eliminate automotive repair expenses, you can reduce the likelihood of dealing with more expensive car repairs. The way to minimize these unforeseen expenses is to maintain and replace car parts before they break. Regular maintenance gives your auto technician the ability to notify you when a part should be replaced. Properly maintaining your vehicle will also extend engine life. That’s a good thing, especially if your goal is to avoid car payments. This blog post will list the 7 most expensive car repairs and how you can keep them running optimally.
- Turbocharger (also referred to as Turbo) – Now this is an expensive car repair! It can cost thousands of dollars to replace a turbocharger. That hurts the pocketbook! Turbocharged vehicles are fun to drive, but they must also be cared for properly. If you begin to notice poor acceleration, a problem with the exhaust emissions, the Check Engine light comes on or the engine makes a loud, shrieking noise, there may be a problem with the turbocharger. Taking proper care of the turbocharger means changing thing oil and filter (with high-quality synthetics) on a regular basis, letting the engine warm up before you start driving at high speeds, and filling the tank with a fuel that has the octane level recommended by the manufacturer.
- Fuel Injectors – The fuel injectors are designed to spray a fine mist of gasoline into the engine’s combustion chamber. Each cylinder on your vehicle is equipped with a fuel injector. For the engine to operate properly, the fuel injectors need to deliver a precise amount of fuel. When this doesn’t happen, you will begin to notice problems with engine performance. The Check Engine light may come on, the engine will misfire, you will begin to notice poor gas mileage, and you may even smell gasoline. Over time, fuel injectors will need to be replaced. To avoid this from happening prematurely, have the fuel injectors cleaned according to your vehicle’s manual.
- Head Gasket – This is definitely a car repair item you want to prevent from happening. As coolant is circulating through the engine the head gasket is responsible for keeping the coolant from mixing with engine oil. When the head gasket cracks and the coolant is allowed to mix with the oil, serious engine damage will occur. Some signs of a head gasket problem include coolant leaking from below the exhaust manifold, white smoke emanating from the tailpipe, an engine that overheats, bubbles in the radiator or coolant overflow tank, oil that has a milky appearance, and/or significant loss of coolant with no visible signs of a leak. The best way to prevent a blown head gasket is to maintain the cooling system – change the coolant, check for leaks, and replace belts and hoses before they break.
- Timing Belt – The timing belt controls the camshafts in the engine so the valves open and close at the right time. As you can imagine, the timing belt is exposed to a lot of wear and tear. Your owner’s manual recommends that the timing belt be replaced as a certain mileage, and for good reason. If the belt breaks, the pistons and valves will crash into each other and the engine will sustain significant damage. The simplest way to avoid major engine damage from a broken timing belt is to replace it when the manual says you should. Yes, the cost to replace a belt is somewhat expensive, but the cost to replace the engine (or even your vehicle) is much more so.
- Fuel Pump – Gasoline is pushed into the engine through the fuel pump. It depends on the make and model of your vehicle on where it is located. In some vehicles, the fuel pump is located in the gas tank. In others, it is outside of it. If you notice an odd sound coming from the gas tank, you have difficulty starting the engine or it stalls or surges, there may be a problem with the fuel pump. You can minimize problems with the fuel pump by using a high-quality, tier 1 fuel, making sure you don’t let the tank below ¼ of a tank before refilling, changing the fuel filter at least once a year, and adding a fuel stabilizer if your vehicle will be sitting for a long period of time.
- A Seized Engine – If the engine seizes, the crankshaft is unable to turn. This typically happens when the engine is allowed to overheat or you are running it with low or no oil. If the engine seizes, it will have to be replaced (or you will need to buy a new car, truck or van). If you are driving and the oil warning light or the engine temperature light comes on, stop your vehicle as soon as you safely can then turn off the engine and call for a tow to our auto repair shop in Staten Island, New York. The best way to avoid this from happening is to use a high-quality oil and filter and make sure to have them changes regularly (don’t skip oil changes). Check the oil level and condition once a month. If you have to continually add oil, you have a leak somewhere and will need to have it repaired. You will also want to properly maintain the cooling system to prevent engine overheating.
- Automatic Transmission – The transmission is a very complicated system that must be maintained to continue to work properly. Check the transmission fluid once a month. Watch out for transmission fluid that looks black or dark brown or smells burnt. If the transmission fluid is low, there’s a problem. Also watch for transmission fluid leaks and a transmission that overheats. Have the transmission fluid and filter changed according to the maintenance intervals identified for your vehicle make and model. If you’ve never changed the fluid or filter and your vehicle is approaching 100,000 miles, don’t have this service done. Doing so can cause transmission problems. Check with us.
Avoid major auto repair expenses by having it maintained at Colonial Service Station in Staten Island, NY
You can keep your vehicle operating its best when you commit to maintaining it regularly. The technicians at Colonial Service Station in Staten Island, New York, can assist you. We maintain detailed records of your vehicle’s service history and will let you know when a part needs to be replaced so you can do so before it breaks. Make an appointment for service or car repair in our Staten Island auto repair shop today.