Did you recently turn on the air conditioner in your vehicle to find it’s not working very well or not at all? You may need to have the refrigerant recharged or there could be something else that’s causing a problem with the system. Either way, we’re quite certain you’re not having much fun driving around in this hot and humid weather. Take a quick look at the 5 reasons for car air conditioning problems and then give us a call to get it fixed.
The air conditioning in your vehicle works much the same as your air conditioner at home. It cools you while reducing the amount of humidity in the air so you feel pleasant inside while it’s sweltering outside. There are 5 main parts to an auto air conditioning system – compressor, condenser, drier (or accumulator), evaporator and expansion valve. Any one of these parts can be the root of the problem.
When it comes to air conditioner repair, we typically find that one of these 5 issues are the reason you aren’t getting cool air into the passenger compartment of your vehicle:
- Leaks. Air conditioning system leaks within the compressor or hoses are a common cause of air conditioner problems.
- Noise from Air Conditioner. Typically, noises from the air conditioner are coming from the compressor. You may need to replace it.
- Fluctuating Temperatures. Changes in the temperature coming out of vents are the result of moisture that’s built up in one of the hoses or assemblies. Ice will actually begin to develop and clog the air conditioner. The ASE-certified technicians at Colonial Service Station in Staten Island, can easily fix this for you.
- Low or No Air Flow. If the air conditioning system isn’t blowing a lot of air or doesn’t blow any air at all, it may be the result of your vehicle’s electrical system. Do you need to replace your car battery?
- Funny Odors. If you notice any funny smells coming through the air conditioner vents, there may be an issue where bacteria has accumulated in the evaporator. Our technicians have the tools needed to flush the air conditioner evaporator.
Note: In older vehicles (pre-1994), refrigerant will run out on its own. If your vehicle is older and uses the R-12 Freon, regulations require you to have it replaced by a professional.
If you are having any problems with the air conditioning in your vehicle, please give our auto repair shop in Staten Island a call. We are more than happy to get your vehicle in to diagnose and fix the problem. Click here to make an appointment today.